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RIKEN Brain Science Institute

Laboratory for Symbolic Cognitive Development

Laboratory head, Atsushi Iriki
Induction of evolution of human cognition through its interaction with environment, genes, and neural activities


Laboratory for Cognitive Brain Mapping

Laboratory head, Keiji Tanaka
Investigation of functional interaction between multiple brain sites in macaque monkeys using double-virus infection technique


Laboratory for Behavioral Genetics

Laboratory head, Shigeyoshi Itohara
Higher brain functions preserved in vertebrates: genetic approach to studying neuronal networks of rodents


Laboratory for Molecular Mechanisms of Thalamus Development

Laboratory Head, Tomomi Shimogori
Higher brain functions preserved in vertebrates: genetic approach to studying neuronal networks of rodents


Laboratory for Integrative Neural Systems

Laboratory Head, Manabu Tanifuji
Development of Functional Mapping Method for Areas in the Brain by
Optogenetics and Optical Imaging
