Language: English ยป Japanese
Special Feature
What is "Life that expresses itself as a length of time"?
Dr. Takaomi Saido, Head, Laboratory for Proteolytic Neuroscience
Research Results at BSI
Sleep and plasticity: reciprocal interaction in the developing visual system
Laboratory for Neuronal Circuit Development
The Mechanism by Which Goal Determines Action is Discovered in the Medial Region of the Prefrontal Cortex
Laboratory for Cognitive Brain Mapping
Dr. Tetsuya Kimura
Research Scientist, Laboratory for Brain-operative Expression
RIKEN BSI Retreat 2003
Dr. Amari Awarded Prestigious C&C Prize
RIKEN BSI and Sweden Joint Symposium on Neuroscience
Brain Network
What is in a switch?
The complex reality of perceptual ambiguity
Dr. Cees van Leeuwen, Head, Laboratory for Perceptual Dynamics
Cover Photo

RIKEN BSI Retreat 2003